Bout Meeiling's wedding.. My boss already approved my leave on 01 Dec, then I can continue MC on 02 Dec. Hahaha... so happy to meet you all! Ermm.. what about her gift? Are you gals going to give Angpau or present? Another thing is, who can keep me for 2 nights as I'll reach Ipoh on 01 Dec, 8pm?
For trip, have you all been to Bubu Island? I found out this package from newspaper; 3days/2nights full board package is RM370/pax for quad sharing or RM 460/pax for twin sharing. This include all meals, return boat transfer & 3 snorkelling trips. Best time to visit is during dry season, from March-October. Best diving conditions are from May-August. Anyone interested?
At 11/26/2006 7:54 PM, pieceofmind
Good good ... not a bad response from you guys. Maybe need to suggest a few place and date/time. :) Nice nice ..
Ei, about mee ling's dinner, there is sat dinner (7pm) at Sun Lei How Fok and fri dinner (after 7pm) at her house. We will give angpau as not many wanna give present. As for fri, I will try my best to come home as early as I can. About staying over night, I guess, my place is occupied and my most of my family members have fall sick. :( very very sorry about that .. anyone else can help?
Mee Ling's wedding lor. The best oppurtunity and we don't have to do any organizing...hehe.
Or maybe sometime later, lets have steamboat dinner? I just found a nice steamboat place at Medan Ipoh(behind Tesco). RM16.80, eat all you can and a lot of variety of food. Not bad lar...tried that yesterday and ate till cannot move.