This year (2010) is a good year for my batch. There are quite a lot of us getting married this year, especially end of the year. Luckily there are a few weddings ceremonies were attended by most of us. Some traveled back from US, Germany while others traveled from Penang, Kuala Lumpur to come back to our lovely hometown for these wedding dinners (fong's, ling's, poh yoke's, just to name a few)..
We had a very happening and happy moments together. Partly was gathering with everyone as since graduation, we hardly able to spend time together like we used to use in school. Really missed the time we were together ... ^_^
But don't worry, it's all captured with professional photographers, like Andrew and of cos our own cameras!
Here are some of the happy moment photos of us.

At first, I wanted to develop only photo for debbie's birthday present. But as I go through the photo albums, I am very happy to view the group photos and would like to develop some for my own collections as well. Kelly told me there is a good online photo developing which she tried before and highly recommended to me. You may click on EOE for more information. I was told by Kelly that the quality of the photos developed is good and they are sending over via courier service. How pro! :D I wanted to try it myself this time. But meanwhile, I need to choose some photos first ...
Girls, you may try it yourselves too .. remember to click on the EOE link and explore yourselves. :D
to all my buddies ....... Friends forever !!
Labels: Happy Times